
The Trust’s grant making is guided by the principles of trust-based philanthropy, an approach that considers the relationships between donors, not-for-profits and communities.

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Through our strategic approach to grant making, the Trust is working towards:

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  • Making change, amplifying impact

    As a change-maker, bringing skills, networks, partners and funding to the table, understanding systems and social contexts, actively leveraging funding using grants, using influence and connections to achieve goals and help organisations amplify their impact

  • Engagement from the ground up

    From the ground-up, developing grant opportunities through deep engagement with communities and stakeholders as hubs of ideas and conversations

  • Collaborating with curiosity

    With curiosity, an ability to adapt and change, being responsive to partners, and striving for innovative solutions

  • Having frank and fearless conversations

    Using data to inform rather than determine, sharing purpose and endeavour, opening the flow of information, sharing frank and fearless conversations with mutual respect, seeing mistakes as opportunities to learn

Under the Will of Helen Macpherson Schutt (née Smith), the Trust supports charitable programs to contribute to meaningful improvement in the lives of Victorians.

The Trust prioritises Victorian communities experiencing disadvantage. To address disadvantage, we support organisations and programs in two areas: